Chandler Hall Hick's Memory Support Residence is now secured We at Chandler Hall are proud to announce our Hicks Memory Support Residence is now secured, The resi- dents who live in the spacious apart ments are able to continuc receiving our exceptional care along with fami lics having the knowledge their par- ent or family member is in a safe and secured environmen. The nursing dictary, housckccping and activities staff of the Hicks Residence are spc- cially trained with the Alzhcimer's Association's habilitation Program. The program focuses on the indi vidual with a diagnosis of dementia and what their needs are "at the mo ment with dignity and respect. In a nutshel, care is "person centered We promote independence, personal preferences and adjusting care ap proaches for cach resident. Each res dent's family member is part of the Chandler H family and are wel- come to join their loved one through- out the day Nora Alba, personal care adminis- trator. and Kristinc Bojko, resident care coordinator, are working with local specialists te field of de- mentia such as psychologists, medi cal social workers and geriatric phy sicians to provide a e-rounded support system for the resident and family members If you or someone you love is ex periencing signs of dementia, please call us at 267-291-2300 for more in- formation, Chandler Hall also has an adult day care program and skilled care available within the continuum of care. Submitted by Chandler liall Left, Leanne Halpin: right, Kristine Bojko, resident care coordinator