Chandler Hall- a pioneer in hospice care Chandler Hall began its hospice program with the Quaker foundation to serve the community. Scrvices arc provided within the patient's home or at our hospice pa vilion and focus on a holistic model of care. An interdis ciplinary team comprised of a medical director, regis- tered nurses, social worker, care partners and volunteers provide pain and symptom management, personal care assistance, spiritual support, end-of-life education, coun- seling and bereavement sup port. We believe in supporting the patients in their home environment and if the patient chooses to come to our hos- pice pavilion, they will fecl at home with our warm and breakfast for clergy, volun caring staff. one and introduced Chaplain of silent meditation and mcal blessing. Guests enjoyed homemade omelcts and were able to share their experiences within the community Clinical Pastoral Education Supervisor Chaplain Stephen Faller spoke about the chap- lain internship program at Chandler Ha, a new partner- ship with United Mcthodist Communitics. He also ac knowledged cach guest's vital commitment to the spiritual lives of those in their care Chandler Hall's Hospice has grown to provide care for an average of 650 pcople and their families cach year. To learn more about our services please call us at 267-291 uty to express apprecia- tion for the leaders of local for our hospice program. Patty Bevlock, senior teers, chaplains and summer On June 21, Chandler inistry interns. The brea iritual communities and to director of Chandler Hall hosted its first spiritual care fast gathering was an oppor share ideas of added support Hospice, welcomed every- Submitted by Chandler Hall