River Valley owner visits DC On May 15, Kim Ward Bacso, broker and owner of River Valley Rcalty, led a contingent of Realtors to visit the Washington, D.C. offices of New Jerscy's 7th Congres- ional District and Rep. Tom Malinowski. Lambertville, part of the con gressman's district. The meeting also included a discussion on qualified oppor tunity zones, infrastructure and transportation. Kim and the other agents attending this mecting made an effort to make clear the Kim has been designated a Federal Political Coordinator correlations of how these issues impact the homcowners in the district in tangible, real-life ways. Kim said "My goal in this mect ing was to make the conncctions between D.C. and our clients. For by the National Association of Realtors (NAR). The Real tor community depends on FPCs to be their voice of real el estate, and to educate policy- makers on the issues critical cxample, a highway project is more than a huge appropriation's bit mcans that a parent saving 20 minutes on their commute can to the industry Kim recently completed a four-day advocacy visit to Washington, D.C. to review the legislative priorities of NAR during this congressional term class. Kim reiterated that, Ths National Flood Insurance Program Flemington. O culminating with leading a mecting fits in with the Realtor Code of Eth- with the congressman and his staff to cs. which has a commitment to cqual authorization. To date, this progra Kimivervalley realtynj.com. review these priorities NAR supported the passing of HR-5, Congressman Malinowski voted in a bill which addresses sexual orienta favor of HR-5, which passed. attend a soccer gamc River Valley Realty has offices in New Hope, Lambertville and Owncr Kim Ward Bacso can be reached at 908-616-2767 or tion and gender identity as a protected Another issuc discussed was the and the importance of long-term re professional services. On May 17, has had short-term renewals, and Kim Submitted b River lalley Realty LL.C explaincd how the long-term stability of this program is imperative clients in River Valley owner visits DC On May 15, Kim Ward Bacso, broker and owner of River Valley Rcalty, led a contingent of Realtors to visit the Washington, D.C. offices of New Jerscy's 7th Congres- ional District and Rep. Tom Malinowski. Lambertville, part of the con gressman's district. The meeting also included a discussion on qualified oppor tunity zones, infrastructure and transportation. Kim and the other agents attending this mecting made an effort to make clear the Kim has been designated a Federal Political Coordinator correlations of how these issues impact the homcowners in the district in tangible, real-life ways. Kim said "My goal in this mect ing was to make the conncctions between D.C. and our clients. For by the National Association of Realtors (NAR). The Real tor community depends on FPCs to be their voice of real el estate, and to educate policy- makers on the issues critical cxample, a highway project is more than a huge appropriation's bit mcans that a parent saving 20 minutes on their commute can to the industry Kim recently completed a four-day advocacy visit to Washington, D.C. to review the legislative priorities of NAR during this congressional term class. Kim reiterated that, Ths National Flood Insurance Program Flemington. O culminating with leading a mecting fits in with the Realtor Code of Eth- with the congressman and his staff to cs. which has a commitment to cqual authorization. To date, this progra Kimivervalley realtynj.com. review these priorities NAR supported the passing of HR-5, Congressman Malinowski voted in a bill which addresses sexual orienta favor of HR-5, which passed. attend a soccer gamc River Valley Realty has offices in New Hope, Lambertville and Owncr Kim Ward Bacso can be reached at 908-616-2767 or tion and gender identity as a protected Another issuc discussed was the and the importance of long-term re professional services. On May 17, has had short-term renewals, and Kim Submitted b River lalley Realty LL.C explaincd how the long-term stability of this program is imperative clients in