Should you purchase an umbrella policy? wealthy." The truth is, anyone with assets such as a car, retire- ment, or checking and savings accounts, risks losing these hard-carned resources if a major legal situation occurs, and their home and auto liability limits aren't enough. Of course, as your assets grow in value or your income increases, the more critical an umbrel la policy becomes. For reference, coverage for an umbrella policy can start around $150-S200 for a $ million policy yet range greatly based on individual There's a lot of misleading information about the purpose and necessity of umbrella insurance-like, "it covers everything under the sun" or that "it's an insurance plan purchased in place of basic liability coverage." An umbrella policy is an added layer of insurance coverage that sits atop your base home and auto coverage, acting as a reserve, should your regular coverage become exhausted by a lawsuit or claim. It's essentially a form of excess protection that will keep your assets, and by extension, your life, pro- tected if and when the unthinkable happens. It covers bodily injury and property damage liability claims as well as legal fees, libel, slander and so on. Which leads us to the next false piece of information regard- ing the coverage: "umbrella insurance is only for the circumstances. Umbrella policies are part of the uncompromised coverage we believe in at GMG. We're an independ ent insurance and risk management firm licensed in over 40 states. We connect you with services and cov- erage that protect you and your assets from any costly claims or lawsuits that could come your way. To start building your customized insurance plan, including with umbrella coverage, to prepare for modern-day risks, contact us at 215-497-9240, contact@gmgins com or visit GMG Insurance Agency Submitted by GMG Insurance Agency Should you purchase an umbrella policy? wealthy." The truth is, anyone with assets such as a car, retire- ment, or checking and savings accounts, risks losing these hard-carned resources if a major legal situation occurs, and their home and auto liability limits aren't enough. Of course, as your assets grow in value or your income increases, the more critical an umbrel la policy becomes. For reference, coverage for an umbrella policy can start around $150-S200 for a $ million policy yet range greatly based on individual There's a lot of misleading information about the purpose and necessity of umbrella insurance-like, "it covers everything under the sun" or that "it's an insurance plan purchased in place of basic liability coverage." An umbrella policy is an added layer of insurance coverage that sits atop your base home and auto coverage, acting as a reserve, should your regular coverage become exhausted by a lawsuit or claim. It's essentially a form of excess protection that will keep your assets, and by extension, your life, pro- tected if and when the unthinkable happens. It covers bodily injury and property damage liability claims as well as legal fees, libel, slander and so on. Which leads us to the next false piece of information regard- ing the coverage: "umbrella insurance is only for the circumstances. Umbrella policies are part of the uncompromised coverage we believe in at GMG. We're an independ ent insurance and risk management firm licensed in over 40 states. We connect you with services and cov- erage that protect you and your assets from any costly claims or lawsuits that could come your way. To start building your customized insurance plan, including with umbrella coverage, to prepare for modern-day risks, contact us at 215-497-9240, contact@gmgins com or visit GMG Insurance Agency Submitted by GMG Insurance Agency