FLEMINGTON DEPARTMENT STORE FURNITURE MATTRESSES FOORING CLOTHING FOOTWEAR WORWEAR Hours: Mon-Fri Sam-pm, Sat. Sam épm, Sun. 11am-Spm 151 ROUTE 31 FLEMINGTON (908) 782-7662 Flemingtondepartmentstore.com SAVE 50% OFF SUGGESTED RETAIL YUTZY Solid Maple Dining Set 6 Piece Set as Shown 150 Save $424 Ehands YUTZY Yandin My Finishes Southem Motion Zes Grabity Ce Saln Paien $635 Southe Motion MVe ecinin Sota with Power Headt CRAFTMASTER Sta Sae $135 Sate Phice $690 The art of by elran sSectionals, options Reclining Sofas, Loveseats & Chairs Pick an arm. Pick a seat. Pick a back. Configure. Create your model and save on every piece. Save Up to an Additional 10% When Purchasing 5 or More Pieces* Martn Avondale Consle Cale Paine $817 Vghan Basse Cool te Sd Mape Queen Bed, Dreeser, Mio, Nightstand One rBokce. Alable in3Finishes Sale Price $837ea Aval Sae $283 MARTIN Huntingtan House PA Sectone Grove as Sheen Sae $311 Martin Hartiord 0 D Connole Sale Prine $585 MARTIN allomaolo. FREE FURNITURE AND MATTRESS DELIVERY Within a 100 Mile Radius of Our Store FLEXSTE L od Queenper Upgrade Memory fo Ma Save $127 Bermex Sold Wood Tabe 42xEteds to , wi 2 Am Chas 2Sde Chain and ut SFlexsteel Sove $514 on Set as Shoim Purchase 5or More eces af umiture and Save an Addtional S On Beldroom and Lpholtered Fumiture, S oe Occasional and Accent Fumiture and to On Dining Set FLEMINGTON DEPARTMENT STORE FURNITURE MATTRESSES FOORING CLOTHING FOOTWEAR WORWEAR Hours: Mon-Fri Sam-pm, Sat. Sam épm, Sun. 11am-Spm 151 ROUTE 31 FLEMINGTON (908) 782-7662 Flemingtondepartmentstore.com SAVE 50% OFF SUGGESTED RETAIL YUTZY Solid Maple Dining Set 6 Piece Set as Shown 150 Save $424 Ehands YUTZY Yandin My Finishes Southem Motion Zes Grabity Ce Saln Paien $635 Southe Motion MVe ecinin Sota with Power Headt CRAFTMASTER Sta Sae $135 Sate Phice $690 The art of by elran sSectionals, options Reclining Sofas, Loveseats & Chairs Pick an arm. Pick a seat. Pick a back. Configure. Create your model and save on every piece. Save Up to an Additional 10% When Purchasing 5 or More Pieces* Martn Avondale Consle Cale Paine $817 Vghan Basse Cool te Sd Mape Queen Bed, Dreeser, Mio, Nightstand One rBokce. Alable in3Finishes Sale Price $837ea Aval Sae $283 MARTIN Huntingtan House PA Sectone Grove as Sheen Sae $311 Martin Hartiord 0 D Connole Sale Prine $585 MARTIN allomaolo. FREE FURNITURE AND MATTRESS DELIVERY Within a 100 Mile Radius of Our Store FLEXSTE L od Queenper Upgrade Memory fo Ma Save $127 Bermex Sold Wood Tabe 42xEteds to , wi 2 Am Chas 2Sde Chain and ut SFlexsteel Sove $514 on Set as Shoim Purchase 5or More eces af umiture and Save an Addtional S On Beldroom and Lpholtered Fumiture, S oe Occasional and Accent Fumiture and to On Dining Set