At its 60th anniversary, Flemington Department Store remains a family-owned landmark When the Resnick family converted a products and services to the comme has grown into a multi-faccted busincss small chicken coop into a dry goods store to the pcople and communities served. with a product line encompassing a large in 1956, there was little indication that the Flemington Department Store has attained selection ofclothing, footwear, floor- modest business would grow to become ts current form as a result of hard work ing, fumiture and bedding. Within cach one of the largest family-owned-and-op and smart business decisions. erated department stores in the country. The reasons for this success are abundant, alimited assortment of clothing and product category is a vast array of productVA What began as a dry goods store selng offcrings. As an example of tremendous growth the original store's size limited the product selection to blue jeans and little elsc. m the quality and varicty of offered ara rugs to a small, local community Today's clothing department features s seen today millions of dollars of name brand cloth the Fleminglon ing, shoes, boots and outerwear, offered at Department Store com plex covers muliple acresbeyond the products and services offered along Rt. 31 in Flemington, Current owners Theodore and Martin Resnick in front of their parents'original dry goods store, which opened in Quaker discounted prices What makes Flemington Department Store such a successful business goes it is the people that helped the compa- ny grow coupled with the ownership's : wnin 1956 NJ. The newly Flemington Department Store is located at 151 Route 31 in Flemington, and the commitment to their local community ned Furni- ture Clearance The workforce has grown from just a few store's phone number is 908-782-7662, Center is koar ed in the smaler "extended family members" today. This builhng at lefi family atmosphere is of primary im aner .3 a 5% T family members in 1956 to hundreds of we hope to see you soon! Submitted by Flemington Department Store portance to the store 's past, present and