Advocate for a decent place to live for all You are invited to join Habitat for Humanity of Bucks County Habitat in changing policies and systems in order to eliminate barriers to adequate, affordable housing el has served 13.2 million pcople. There is no question that our work has made an impact But as powerful as Habitat's work has been, one out of five pcople around the world are s in need of safe, healthy and affordable housing. Through advo cacy, we can all exponentially increase access to deccnt, affordable housing In other words, while not visible like homes themselves, laws, regulations and rules about land and building are a major part of housing solutions. Smart policies and systems can promote access to decent housing, while others may create unnecessary bariers. These barriers may make it harder than it needs to be to find land for construction, build the home itself or be able to afford a place to live. Advocating on behalf of those living in substandard conditions in our county s a priority for Habitat Bucks. We Wholcheartedly believe that a decent place to live can remove barriers to opportunity, success and health 1-1111 11 The cssence of advocacy is not ac- cepting shortcomings in current policy but how we can work to shape systems that support people in need of adequate housing. To address that level of nced, we invite you to advocate with us for housing policies and systems that ad dress both the local and global need for housing to reform laws in a nonconfrontational, orks nonpartisan way Habitat Bucks has been building Visit and vol- Habitat's advocacy is based on dec ades of on-the-ground experience and policy expertise. Based on our deep understanding of housing and its role in building a strong foundation, we seek Just like home construction, advoca ing for smart policics and systems is a way to create a world where everyone has a decent place to live. strength, stability and self-reliance unteer with us locally through affordable homes and home repairs for nearly three decades. We arc an independent affiliate of Habitat for voluntcer Submitted by Habitat for Humanity ReStore Why advocate? In short, because i Humanity International who globally