Build your financial strength achieve financial stability Challenges have a way of causing us to reflect. We make resolutions we take steps toward changes and set goals, We aim for improved physical health via fitness goals and diet plans. Achieving financial stability can help us feel better too You'll set your own goals and drive our own success. Topics covered in y - clude budgeting, credit and cash flow, debt, managing loans, building an cmergency fund and buying a home. What does financial health look like? It's the ability to weathera crisis, emergency or unplanned event without being thrown into financial chaos. Financial stability is when your money works for you, instead of controlling you. Habitat for Humanity of Bucks County reccives numcrous applica tions for homcowncrship and critical home repairs, but often houscholds are not yet financially stable enough to qualify. The "Almost Home program aims to help people across Bucks County become financially success- ful. Even if you are not looking to purchase a home, completing this program can lead to financial cmpow erment that can clear a path to new options Whether you re looking to break out of the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle or you're looking to purchase a home Habitat for Humanity of Bucks County's Almost Home program may be for you. This free program includes financial coun seling, online and in-person work- shops, and onc-to-one coaching By focusing on overall behavior change, "Almost Home" empowers participants with valuable skills to To learn more about Habitat's "Almost Home program, call 215- 822-2812, ext. 307 or email s.clarka Submitted by Habitat for Humanity Re Store