Upper Bucks Brewfest, benefiting efforts to revitalize downtown Quakertown The Philadelphia Funk Authority head Quakertown Alive! office oronline at upper- lines the 2018 Upper Bucks Brewfest, per- bucksbrewfest.com. While online, be sure to forming from 1 to 5 p.m., in the Univest register for the Comhole Tournament, spon- Performance Center at the Park at 4th Street. sored by Upper Bucks ServPro The band is only one of the highlights of The Brewfest also offers food and craft this year's event presented by Quakertown vendors, raffle drawings and games to enjoy. Alive! on August 18. Over 60 craft beers, Ameriprise Rose Wealth Advisors, Lewis ciders and spirits will be available for tast- Brothers Contractors, Tom & Jann Paulo- ing including a table featuring sour beers. vitz, Kinertia, and other fine businesses are VIP ticketholders gain entry an hour ear sponsors. Please visit our website to view lier with access to exclusive brews in the VIP tent. Tickets can be purchased in the other sponsors and more information. Submitted by Quakertown Alive!