NB is your community bank QNB Bank is one of the few commu- very involved in local sponsorships and nity banks still thriving since 1877. QNB causes, and to truly understand the needs provides local businesses, individuals of the communities it serves. In 2017, and families with a level of persona QNB fulfilled over 550 community sup- ized service that is unique to community port requests for local events and proj- banking. We have been taking pride in ects. meeting and often exceeding our cus To learn more about QNB, visit one tomers' expectations for over 141 years of our offices located in Colmar, Coo- With 11 offices serving portions of persburg, Dublin, Pennsburg, Perkasie, Bucks, Montgomery and Lehigh Coun- Quakertown, Souderton, Warminster ties, QNB, by design, serves a defined and Wescosville, call 800-491-9070, or geographic area. This enables the staff, visit us on the web at QNBbank.com including its executives, to become Submitted by QNB Bank