Callaway Sotheby's HendersonINTERNATIONAL REALTY ered a 5429,000 8 Rack Creck Woods Iive Lambertville, N Fisse Capiale Style with 21d Century Comfort on 4+ Aene ffered at 5995,000 1 Brookvile Hollo Road, Delaware Twp.7252939 R. To Sales Asseciate MLS 7247949 60975.247 Ruise Alan Poles, Reoket Asociate 08793.6765) Stuning Home in a Netseral Setting wisk Fabalos Garalem Hensome Period Home, Lovingly Reneite Offere at s682000 201 Sandy Ridge Mi Airy Road Delaware Twp. NI MLS#724H69 Ressell Alan Poles, Brober Asseciale 2 Delawarne Aveue. Larebertville,N T Sales sate MIS 715so 09 753.1247) 908797 676s) Leuis R Best Commmercial Location in Town Located adjacent to the Lambertville Station and hotel coseples, this building has a long history of soccess and is unquestionably the best retail location in sown. The int Boor retail space estends from front so back. A sccond floor apartment has its own entrance. Both have off street parking. 15-17 Bridge Street Lanmbertville, New Jensey MIS 723191 Offeredats1,075,000 Thomas I. McMillan 609,306 8906) Local expertise. Global reach. Beioge Street Lansbertille. New lersey 609.397.1974