Replacing your Christmas tree next year? Plan ahead novw Bucks County's home store and in cause they are casier to take care of terior design firm, Black-cyed Sus, Not only are the wire branches more recommends planning ahead for next durable, but they 're casier to decorate ycar for fine, artificial Christmas tree because they can hold a lot of weight purchases, because the market sells out in March 4. Decide on lighting CEO and principal designer Susan With regular lights, when one goes Tay lor has owned artificial trees for out, so do the rest. The most appeal the last 25 years, and the options just ing lighting right now is the soft light get better and better. Her five-step guide for making a sclection will anchor your Christmas decorating for years to come. LED. LED lights last for years. Some are rated up to 60,000 hours. 5. Have a decorating plan Know your plan on Chrstmas dec- orating before you purclase a tree 1. Decide on placement You can buy artificial trees in any fyou like layering your ornaments size, from 3 fect to 15 fect; make sure th large shatterproof ball orna- you buy the size and shape you nced ments or longer finials, you' nccd for your spacc. The taller a tree gets. ess dense branches. It's hard to get the wider it gets, so plan accordingornaments into with a tree when the branches are too tiglt Do you already know this is the last Christmas for an old artificial tree? Email or call us at 215-794-1800 to sign up for a January Christmas tree purchase Christmas tree preorders are 20% off. 2. Look for realistie Discount trees wl have a lot of filler on the inside, and they won't be natural looking. Look for a high branch point count and injection molded necdles. 3. Look for long-lasting Submitted byP Black-eyed Susan Pcoplc opt for artificial trees be