Als ik Kan -"To the best of my ability" Stickley Furniture's roots go back to live by this Craftsman ethic in the to the tum of the century and the arts fuiture it builds, in the treatment of and crafts movement. Perlaps no artistic movement better represents the ideals which the Stickley brothers its product. They have also expanded espoused in their day and which the products it offers to include company continucs to symbolize today: that al uman products shou ofien borrowing influences from its be made to the best of the craftsman's own "mission" or arts and crafts styles. ability and, therefore, that they should Stickley also produces its own line of be ennobling both in their creation and fine upholstery and lcather furniture. in their enjoyment. its employces, and in its relationship to those companies sclected to represent Als i k traditional and contemporary styles Hendrixson's Furniture of Furlong Bormowing from such thinkers as Bucks County, and Emmaus, William Morris and John Ruskin in chih County, with over 50 years England, Gustav and Lcopold Stickley of disceming taste, would like to strove to oppose the tide of cheaply nvite you to immerse yourself in the made and mass-produced furniture of world of hand-crafted furniture made the Industrial Age by returning to the by artisans from around the world. fundamental principles of fumiture Discver the roots of tradition: the constuction. However, unlike many pride, passion, and spirit that spans of the purists of the time, Gustav and gencrations with such a marvclous Lcopold belicved that they could story. Come be a part of Hendrixson's achicve these ends by placing the power of industrial technology in the this vibrant family legacy lives on for hands of skilled and kowledgcable generations to come. craftsmen Sticklcy story and help to ensure that Submitted by Hendrixsons Furniture Today, Stickley Furniture continues