The Doylestown Gold Exchange - buyers, sellers and jewelers The Doylestown Gold Exchange gold filled and prices start as low as $50. is a onc-of-a-kind store in the Bucks County arca and we are stocked and Since we buy gold and silver jewclry, we have been able to build up a nice selection of estate and vintage ready for the holidav scason, We have a wide sclection of new and estate jewelry that will fit anyone's jewelry at very reasonable prices as budgect and we are still able to custom el Please stop in any time and see design that special picce in time for the Doylestown Gold Exchange the holiday has to offer. We are a full-scrvice We are excited to stock a lage jewelry store that does expert jewelry tory from designer Frederic Duclos. Frederic Duclos is a sterling silver jewelry line with acccnts of rose and yellow gold in a very affordable price range. With prices ranging from $100 to $500, you can get a beautiful picce to make somcone very happy this holiday season. and watch repair and is well knowrn for our famous $5 watch batteries. At the Doy lestown Gold Exchange, we pride oursclves on our customer service and we wish everyone a safe and happy holiday scason. Please call 215-345-6630 or visit our website and We also like to keep it local as we we can help carry Doylestown's own jewelry designer Sarah Comwell. Sarah has many nice picces in srlng silver and Submitted by Doylestown Gold Exchange