Pine2Pink pine pink YOGATHON SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22...10AM-4PM INFO: WHERE: Lawn of the Mercer Museum Main Street & Ashland Ave. Doylestown, PA DONATION: $30 minimum $45 all day pass YOGATHON EVENTS: 5 Fabulous Yoga Classes Health & Wellness Vendors Prizes & Gifts at Each Class 1 Free Admission to Mercer Museum for all participants 100% of proceeds benefit our LOCAL breast cancer patients! Tons of fun! CONTRIBUTING STUDIOS: Sun Dog Yoga Studio Dragonfly Yoga Studio Bikram Yoga Doylestown Sally Miller Yoga SUN DOG YOGA MERCER MUSEUM &FONTHILL CASTLE dragny goga bikramYoga 0EST EEE Pine2Pink pine pink YOGATHON SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22...10AM-4PM INFO: WHERE: Lawn of the Mercer Museum Main Street & Ashland Ave. Doylestown, PA DONATION: $30 minimum $45 all day pass YOGATHON EVENTS: 5 Fabulous Yoga Classes Health & Wellness Vendors Prizes & Gifts at Each Class 1 Free Admission to Mercer Museum for all participants 100% of proceeds benefit our LOCAL breast cancer patients! Tons of fun! CONTRIBUTING STUDIOS: Sun Dog Yoga Studio Dragonfly Yoga Studio Bikram Yoga Doylestown Sally Miller Yoga SUN DOG YOGA MERCER MUSEUM &FONTHILL CASTLE dragny goga bikramYoga 0EST EEE