Protecting your biggest investment Last fall, I read an article in the Phi builders build a better product? There is adelphia Inquirer regarding many of the an one reason I'm sure, but my production homes built in the arca and their failure. Water has infiltrated these homes duc to lack of flashing. poor work period of time to make production dead- manship, poor grading and inferior mate- lines, or there is inferior workmanship by rials. It seems that the concept of quality ed labor. Sometimes they are using has changed over the ycars as production new products that haven't been tested by builders mcct only the minimum building timc standards guess is thcy are looking to save mon- cy, rushing to get the job done in a short In the war between your house and In my 40 years as a home builder and er t takes a skilled carpenter mechanic home restoration expert, I have seen firsthand the devastation caused by water then close up a house to help you win the sceping into the home, The good news is r Call Chris Frasco General Contractor that it can bc fixed and we have used our to discuss how we can successfully fix expertise to restore hundreds of homes. your water-damaged home and restore it including many of the area's historic homes, to provide a safe, warm and newly dry home. and patience to repair, properly flash and back to the beauty you know and love. Submilted by Christopher Frasco General Contractor Why don't most of today's production