You shouldn't have to search for rates like these. 2.65% | 2.50% APY* APY* 17-MONTH CD 12-MONTH CD Stop comparison shopping and start getting the most out of your money with these special limited-time CD rates! Available for new money only. Wherever you're at in life, whatever your goals, Penn Community Bank has your back. We're not just a bank. We're your local personal finance team. Penn Community Bank BANKING I LENDINGI INSURANCE I INVESTMENTS 215-788-1234 ay stands for Annual Percentage Yield, whicheffective March 1, 2019 and subject tochane without notice. Promotional Certifcates of Deposit (CDs) are avalable for new money, or funds deposited within the previous 30 days at Penn Community Bank. Does not apply to tosiness or muncpol deposits. 17-Month CO266% APY, 262% Rate) and 12-Month CO250% APY 247% Rate) assume reinvestment at the same rate for anannal period. CDs requirea minimum balance of $500 and maximum balarceof S1000000·Subject to an erty withenval penalty iterest is companded monthly andcredoed oarteny.